Where the idea comes from
All the Horizontal Projects are facing multiple challenges to transfer and capitalise on their communities’ results, while PANORAMED is striving to mainstream its results at policy level. Besides, the prolonged lockdowns, mobility limitations and uncertainties about the future have not made things any easier. In an effort to keep the link alive inside the communities and to try somehow to connect the “givers” and “takers”, everybody has been organising virtual events (conferences, networking events, seminars, training, etc.) with mixed results.
As we have all experienced the limits of webinars and online workshops, and we have noticed a growing fatigue for online events, we have decided to go for something more structured, potentially useful for our audiences even though much more challenging to organise than a webinar series: an e-learning platform to deliver MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses. We actually cherished the idea of an online learning offer mainly, but not exclusively, for Euro-Mediterranean policy-makers as a tool to transfer and capitalise on the knowledge, competences and results of our communities of transnational projects.
We have opted for realising a series of MOOC because, since the outbreak of the pandemic in March 2020, there has been an impressive growth in courses offered and learners (of all the learners of the MOOCs one third registered in 2020), and notwithstanding a widespread fatigue for virtual events, MOOCs learners keep on increasing even in 2021.
So, since last January 2021 all the Horizontal Projects and PANORAMED with the contribution of the Joint Secretariat under the impulse and coordination of UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities Union (WP2 Lead partner of Sustainable Tourism and Urban Transports communities) have been working on putting together a learning offer that could encompass most of the communities’ fields of intervention and that, at the same time, could take into account the priorities of the new Interreg Euro-MED programming period and of the Next Generation EU strategy.
Image designed by pikisuperstar / Freepik