EU policies have reaffirmed the importance of protected areas for the conservation of biological diversity. The preservation of coastal and maritime ecosystems is a key element for the future of the Mediterranean.
In this context, the “Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Community (MBPC)” aims at strengthening the management and capacities of protected areas. Its main objectives are to create synergies, mainstream management efforts, and increase the protection of biodiversity in maritime and coastal ecosystems towards common identified strategic targets. Moreover, it acts as a community, seeking to boost networking as a mechanism to enhance nature conservation and protection in the region.
The projects, part of the community, join their effort to integrate conservation practices into regional development strategies, through participatory approaches, applying ecosystem-based management approaches in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and testing geospatial, monitoring and management tools. They aim at, for example, improving conservation status and water management, fighting against marine pollution, or monitoring tourism and cruise impacts in mobile species.
The community developed the Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection Knowledge Platform (MBPKP), a platform that gathers external validated open source information including maps and spatial data. Besides, the project released a large range of documents and publications (including factsheets, technical and policy papers, workshops reports, guidelines) available online. A Declaration for an Ecosystem-based approach to biodiversity protection and management, that any interested party can adopt, has been developed to ensure the joint efforts.
• LP : University of Malaga - European Topic Center (ES) •
Conference of peripheral maritime regions of Europe (FR) • Plan Blue for
Mediterranean environment and development (FR) • MEDCITIES (ES) • LATTE
CREATIVE S.R.L. (IT) • MARINE INSTITUTE (HR) • Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning, and Urbanism, Montenegro •